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Swimming at West Wight Sports and Commmunityu CentreThe West Wight Sports and Community Centre Trust Ltd is a non-profit making charitable company.

Our aim is to provide a range of sports and high quality recreational facilities that promote the health and well-being of all members of the community.  We offer activities for children and young people, older people and those with disabilities. From fitness classes and swimming lessons, to healthy cookery sessions, youth clubs and community cafes.  We are much more than just a sports centre.

The Really Useful CafeWe are funded from admission charges, grants from various organisations, donations from members of the public and fundraising events.

But in order to continue providing  services to the community it needs your support.  You can make a donation online, which can be worth even more if you make it through the Gift Aid scheme.  Or you can leave a legacy in your will.  The Centre first opened its doors in 1978, your support will ensure we can make a difference to people’s lives for many more years to come.

If you would like to help us by making a donation to the charity you can do it in several ways:Healthy Cookery Session


You can place your donation in an envelope and mark for the attention of the Centre Manger or set up a regular payment by Standing Order/Direct Debit. Please email the Centre Manager at if you are interested in setting this up.

If you are a UK tax payer your donation is worth even more to us as we can also claim the tax you have paid on your donation through the Gift Aid scheme. A donation of just £10 then becomes worth £12.50. To enable us to claim back this extra amount the form needs to be completed and returned to the West Wight Sports and Community Centre. Download a gift aid form here.

You can also make a donation online via Total Giving.


You may also wish to make a donation in your will. If so please consult your solicitor.  

Thank you for your support



